Dit word moeilik om iets anders af te lei as dat Zuma in ‘n lokval gelei word om dieselfde lot as Gadafi van Libie tegemoet te gaan wanneer die mediaberigte van nader beskou word.
Die feit dat die linkse SA nuusmedia behoorlik hul mes in het vir die Zuma-regime, blyk nie alleen uit berigte in Naspes-koerante nie. Die Mail & Guardian en die Sunday Times neem lustig aan die beswaddering van Zuma se regime deel (sien berigte).
'n Artikel vandag deur Ferdi Greyling in die Naspes-koerante bevestig in elk geval dat Naspes die Zuma-regime as finaal uit die bose beskou.
Dat Amerika en die CIA agter die skerp veroordelende berigte sit, blyk uit die feit dat China as die groot sondebok in die hele relletjie uitgemaak word. Want kom jy Zuma by, kom jy China by, kom jy Zuma by - hulle is vinkel en koljander, die een soos die ander.
Aan die anderkant: Die Brics-beraad in Durban moet dan as niks anders beskou word as die sluit van politieke en diplomatieke geledere deur die deelnemende lande wat 'n te wagte uitgebreide militêre konflik in Afrika betref. Let wel: Die politieke en diplomatieke sluit van geledere tussen die lidlande. Hoe ver die situasie sal kom wat onderlinge militêre steun betref, sal nog gesien moet word.
Dit alles vorm die agtergrond van 'n nuwe “Scramble for Africa”, een veel bloediger as die een van 1870 wat tot die kolonialisering van Afrika gelei het, net hierdie slag en weens die rol van die internet, kan die feit dat dit alles oor olie en delfstowwe van Afrika gaan, glad nie weggesteek word nie.
Dit blyk ook uit die mosie wat Helen Zille in die Parlement ingedien het dat sy baie goed op hoogte gehou word met die verwikkelinge in Sentraal-Afrika. Sy is alles behalwe 'n onskuldige toeskouer in die gebeure en speel haar sogenaamde parlementêre rol nougeset.
Alles in ag genome, ook foto's en berigte van SANW-militêre toerusting wat in Naspes-koerante verskyn, toon dat die hele sentrale Afrika in 'n groot internasionale militêre teater omskep word.
Daar het al op die AVP se webwerf berigte verskyn van Amerikaanse wapenstapeling in Afrika sedert verlede jaar. In daardie berig is daar verwys na die belangrike rol wat lugmagbasisse in Botswana in die Amerikaanse ontplooiing kan speel.
Hierdie berig het op 1 April in die Londense Guardian verskyn. Dit is een van die redes waarom daar aanvaar word dat veel meer as 13 SANW-soldate in die SAR geval het.
Wat die skiet van kinders deur die SANW-militia betref: Global Research stel dit anders: Hulle verklaar die SANW-militia het daaroor gespog:
The self-proclaimed president of the Central African Republic (CAR) has announced a caretaker government as allegations emerged that he sent child soldiers to their deaths during a bloody coup.
Michel Djotodia will also act as defence minister while several members of his Seleka rebel coalition are to run other ministries, a decree broadcast on national radio said. Civilian opposition representative Nicolas Tiangaye will remain as prime minister.
Djotodia, who drew several hundred residents in a march of support on Saturday, has vowed to run the former French colony until elections in 2016. He seized power last month when rebels swept into the capital, Bangui, after the collapse of a power-sharing deal, forcing president François Bozizé to flee the country.
The internationally condemned coup caused bloodshed and widespread looting. Last week, the Red Cross said 78 bodies had been found.
Thirteen South African soldiers were killed, the country's worst military loss since the end of apartheid and the subject of growing political controversy.
Soldiers who were among South Africa's 298-strong force defending the regime have told of their trauma at realising they were shooting at children in the ranks of an estimated 3,000 rebels.
"It was only after the firing had stopped that we saw we had killed kids," one survivor of the battle of Bangui was quoted as saying by South Africa's Sunday Times. "We did not come here for this … to kill kids. It makes you sick. They were crying calling for help … calling for [their] mums."
A paratrooper told the paper: "We killed little boys … teenagers who should have been in school."
Other reports said many of the rebel fighters appeared to be 14 to 16 years old, with some under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The surviving soldiers have also complained that they began running out of ammunition and only had one doctor to provide medical support.
The incident has cast an unflattering light on South Africa's ambitions to project itself as a continental power and raised questions about its support for Bozizé, a deeply unpopular figure who himself came to power in a coup a decade ago.
Mondli Makhanya, a columnist for the Sunday Times, compared the adventure with Britain's involvement in the Iraq war. He said: "What the heck are we doing over there?"
On Monday, the leading opposition party in South Africa announced it would table an urgent parliamentary motion to force the withdrawal of troops from the CAR.
"Latest reports are that South African troops were involved in direct combat with both the Seleka rebels, including young children, as well as Bozizé's own mutinous soldiers," said Helen Zille, leader of the Democratic Alliance. "The conclusion is inescapable that the South African troops were deployed to defend the faltering and dictatorial Bozizé regime."
She added: "What makes this intervention even more disturbing is that the deployment was reportedly undertaken against expert military advice, allegedly to protect the business interests of a politically connected elite, both in South Africa and in the CAR. If this is so, President [Jacob] Zuma's position both as president of the republic and commander in chief of the armed forces, becomes untenable. The nation must know the truth."
Last week, the Mail & Guardian newspaper published an investigation into South Africa's extensive business interests in the mineral-rich CAR. Its front page headline asked: "Are these the deals our troops died for?"
On Monday, Jackson Mthembu, national spokesperson for the governing African National Congress (ANC), responded: "We want to put it on record that the ANC as an organisation does not have business interests in CAR. Secondly, the deployment of soldiers in CAR was a government decision deriving from our foreign policy and endorsed by both the African Union and the United Nations."
Mthembu also threatened legal action, claiming the Mail & Guardian was "pissing on the graves of gallant fighters who put their lives on the line in service of our country and our continent".
Zuma is due to attend an extraordinary summit of the Economic Community of Central African States on Wednesday to be hosted by the Chadian leader, Idriss Déby Itno.
'n Africom-berig ('n internasionale sosialistiese front in Afrika, met die helpende hand van die CIA agter hom?) Let op hoe hulle die Zuma-regime as 'n pop van Die Geldmag voorstel met behulp van berigte uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Mail & Guardian en die Sunday Times (eienaardig genoeg Geldmag-mondstukke!). En in die proses vir China bykom!:
On the 24 th of March 2013 the Seleka rebel coalition took control of the capital of the Central African Republic(CAR) forcing president Bozize, who had unsuccessfully appealed to the French and American imperialists for military support against rebels, was forced to flee the country. The rebel leader, Michel Djotodia, has since dissolved the constitution of 2004 and has declared himself president and minister of defence for the three year transitional period that will pave way for new constitution and elections. Djotodia indicates he will be redirecting contracts previously favourable to the Chinese to the Western Imperialist businesses. Ultimately this fighting, devastating one of the poorest nations, accelerating a serious humanitarian crisis including widespread abuses, looting and persecution is the face of the inter imperialist struggle between the emergent Chinese imperialism, their proxy the South African Defence Force (SADF) and the Western imperialists. The African Union (AU) has suspended the CAR and will not recognise the rebels further imposing sanctions with the regional body Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) also stating that the rebel regime isillegitimate and proposing an 18 months roadmap that will see the creation of an interim council comprising the rebels, opposition and civic groups.Despite the South African government’s figure of 13 dead, other sources report that among the dozens dead were children shot by the SADF soldiers who were there protecting the oil and mining business interests of top ANC leaders through the Shanduka group and Sasol alongside the Chinese interests. This triggered a revolt in South Africa (SA) that has forced the ANC government to withdraw the remaining soldiers. This is a political defeat for Zuma, China’s proxy comprador in Africa, after he had indicated that the soldiers would stay for aslong as possible. The opposition alliance has refused to be part of the transitional government accusing the rebels of filling the posts with supporters of the regime thereby ensuring total domination of the transition. The rebels claim that their actions were provoked by the reluctance by Bozize to implement in full the ceasefire accord signed in January this year. It is clear that the rebels had the support of France, which had troops stationed in the capital during the rebel offensive and where a major French company Areva is mining Uranium in the Bakoum region alongside Elf and other monopolies, as reflected by the recent decree to review all trade and investment deals between Bozize and China. The US European Union and France have failed to issue a clear condemnation of the coup instead focusing on the so called legitimacy of the rebel regime. The Central African Republic is a very poor country that relies heavily on foreign aid and assistance despite being endowed by minerals such as gold, diamonds and uranium as well as timber and oil which continue to be plundered by various imperialist thieves using weak and corrupt regimes in a country that has witnessed more coups than elections since its independence from France in 1960. Life expectancy in the country is around 40yrs while the literacy level is very low adding to the brutal existence of the workers, poor farmers and the poor exploited masses. Djotodia becomes the first Muslim leader in a country with a 15% Muslim population and various tribes divided by the militia leaders who constitute the Seleka alliance. The majority of the people rely on subsistence agriculture with about 74% of workers in the agriculture sector and the mines extracting precious minerals for the capitalist robbers. Years of Military rule have given rise to a very weak workers movement that aligns itself with the state at different periods and ensuring the total subjugation of the workers to the capitalist agenda. The masses of the CAR are extremely poor and impoverished in spite of the mineral wealth of their country as a result of the brutal exploitation of the resources and workers by various imperialist states using the military and civilian leaders in the same way. Bozize like other military leaders came to power through the help of France but was soon discarded once he started to lean on the Chinese and the South Africans against his erstwhile allies. China is rapidly increasing its Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Africa in direct competion with theWestern imperialists. China’s imperialist agenda uses the carrot strategy of “mutual development” presented as investment in infrastructure development. But China has the same agenda as the Western Imperialists to massively plunder the resources of the semi colonial states. On the other hand countries like France which have seen their influence and business positions weaken in recent years are now taking an aggressive role to stamp their authority against the growing influence of China and Russia in their former colonies and the fight has taken a very dangerous level as shown by the invasion of Mali to protect their access to resources and a weak and unpopular regime. In a country ravaged by imperialism, coups and wars the position of the working class and the ordinary poor has been weakened to a large extent with the obvious result being the weak trade unions and the absence of meaningful revolutionary groups to organise the workers, youths, poor peasants, students and the general poor against imperialist plunder and dictatorship. This is the social base that must unite in order to defeat the various militias and foreign troops (imperialist proxies) operating in the country. We call for the creation of a revolutionary workers party which will organize this social base, which will lead an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist united front of workers organizations to power by creating local struggle committees of poor peasants, workers, youth and the ordinary poor as the organizational basis for a workers and poor peasant’sgovernment that will expropriate the imperialist plantations, mines and companies as well as institute real democracy. These are then our demands:
-Workers, poor peasants and youth organise to defeat imperialism and the military regime that seeks to serve imperialism!-Mobilise for local action committees to spearhead action to defeat the imperialists and their lackeys!-Forward to workers government that expropriates without compensation the imperialist farms, Mines and companies! WE CALL ON WORKERS IN THE IMPERIALIST COUNTRIES USA, FRANCE, AND CHINA: TAKE THE JACK BOOT OF IMPERALISM OFF OUR NECKS! TURN THEIR COLONIAL WARS AND PROXY WARS IN AFRICA AND ASIA INTO CLASS WARS AT HOME! DEFEAT YOUR RULING CLASS’ ECONOMIC AND MILITARY INTERVENTIONS! -For a Socialist revolution in CAR as part of a revolution in the central African states and Africa!