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(ʼn Ontleding deur internasionale finansiële adviseurs)


 Did you know each time you deposit money into a bank, they’re legally allowed to...

* look you in the eye and lie, with a wink and a smile

* sell you a line of bull about how your money is kept safe in the vault

* and give you a kick in the rear on the way out?


At The Elevation Group, we fancy ourselves as adventure-seeking truth-tellers. That means we’ll go places others won’t dare to uncover lies, distortions and old-ways of investing that just don’t work anymore. And this lie could be the biggest one of all. It’s not a new lie. It’s been legal since 1913 in the United States. And it’s legal in most other countries, too.

Yet people don’t know about it because politicians only talk about it using big words in wonkish, boring speeches. But when it’s brought down to the human-level - and you realize it’s your money they’re lying about - you just can’t look away from...The Legal Lie Banks Tell You: The money you deposit in a bank, isn’t in their vault. It’s not in a vault across town. It’s not in a vault at your bank’s headquarters either.


It’s not in a vault at all. In fact, outside of a computer, your money doesn’t even exist.



It sounds weird, but that’s how most banking systems in the world are set up today. It’s called Fractional Reserve Banking and it works like this...When a person deposits say, $1,000, into a bank, that person believes their money is still there. After all, their account balance still says $1,000.



But the truth is, the banks are lying to you. They are legally allowed to loan out 90% or more of your deposits to other customers and STILL tell you that your $1,000 is in the bank. And the Federal Reserve, who regulates the banks, not only says it’s “OK” for the banks to tell you this lie... they’re the ones who made it possible. They set a number called the “Reserve Ratio.” And if it’s set at 10%, then banks can reloan 90% of your money without telling you.


And This is the Real Scary Part...Of that $1,000 you deposited, we know the bank can lend 90% of that to other customers. That’s $900. So say a person borrows that $900 from your bank to buy a motorcycle. The borrower leaves the bank with $900 cash and gives it to the bike owner. The former bike owner, happy to be rid of his bike, then goes and redeposits that $900 cash in the very same bank. Now two people have deposits - one for $1,000 and one for $900 totaling $1,900 - that came from the same exact $1,000 cash deposit. The extra $900 was “BORROWED into EXISTENCE.”


This process...Created the Housing Bubble and Global Financial Crisis. When money is created so easily out of thin-air, it leads to bubbles in asset classes. Since the United States completely left the gold standard in 1971, we’ve had one bubble after another. There was the early ‘80’s gold bubble, the stock bubble of the 90’s, and just recently the housing bubble.


The current global financial crisis is in large part due to all the money that was “borrowed into existence” to buy homes at inflated prices. But when the housing bubble popped, it set off a massive deflationary event. People who were no longer able to make their house payments walked away from their mortgages. And because we have a monetary system where money is “borrowed” into existence, when a borrower refuses or can’t repay the debt, the money simply VANISHES from the system.


It’s called a currency contraction, and that is deflation. At this point, there are only...2 Possible End Games -— and Both End Badly...


In response to the deflation from the housing crisis, the Federal Reserve quickly started “printing” more money to try and replace all the money that was vanishing. They literally doubled the money supply in just a few weeks following the 2008 panic. And since then, the money has tripled pre-meltdown levels.


But unfortunately for the Fed and all its victims, the problem seems to be too big this time. The money-printing isn’t working. And If they keep up the pace, we’ll see massive inflation... or even hyperinflation.


Or the Fed may recognize the problem is too great and try something more honest than money-printing. They may decide to default on our debts the honest way, by telling our creditors we can’t pay and restructuring the debt.


This would cause massive deflation as all the money borrowed into existence vanishes. So those are the two endgames, massive inflation or massive deflation. Both of which will make the current global recession look like a walk in the park. And it All Could Have Been Avoided ...had we just stuck with the gold standard. Instead we drifted away starting in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. And we completely severed the dollar’s ties to gold in 1971.


A dollar backed by gold means money can’t be borrowed into existence to cause a global financial crisis. And it’s actually written into the US constitution that states are not allowed to use anything but gold and silver as legal tender. We’re happy to see a major US political party announce that their party platform will call for a gold commission to study the gold standard.


Your Partner in Prosperity,


The EVG Research Team






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