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Afrika gesamentlike regeringIn Suid Afrika hang dit daarvan af of jy swart of wit is! Ongeag die “grondwet” wat bepaal dat jy nie op grond van onder andere, ras mag diskrimineer nie, geld dit nie haatspraak nie.

As jy blank is kan jy gevloek, benaam, belaster , verguis, vermink, verkrag en vermoor word of daarvoor in die openbaar opgestel word in die uitsprake van swart  woordvoerders. Die  “grondwet”  is eensydig daarop ingestel om enige blanke uitspraak, al sou dit meriete hê, nie net as haatspraak te beskou nie maar ook blankes in die tronk te laat beland!  

Daar word selfs gesê dat om blank te wees ‘n misdaad is! Indien ‘n blanke sterf vanweë een of ander ongeluk, is dit volgens sommige swartes  God wat ons straf omdat ons die swartes se land sou gesteel het!

Die spoor van verwoesting wat hierdie soort ingesteldheid deur Afrika getrap het en steeds trap en wat hoofsaaklik sy oorsprong het in etniese verskille en magstrewe, is onafwendbaar sonder skeiding! Etniese verskille wat altyd eskaleer tot etniese onverdraagsaamheid wat op sy beurt kulmineer in geweldpleging, is besig om die deksel van die kookpot in Suid Afrika tot die uiterste te beproef in sy kortstondige 25 jaar van rasvermenging!

Dit was die Engelse regerings in Suid Afrika wat dit besef het en apartheidmaatreëls ingestel het om aan bewind te kon bly. Dit is ook die Engelse se verstaan van die vernietigende gevolg van rasvermenging  wat hulle  in Suid Afrika laat  help vestig het na die moord op dr. Verwoerd, ten einde hulle hande op Suid Afrika se rykdomme te kon  lê teen  R19.25 vir een pond!

Die wiel is egter besig om te draai en die Britte se “brexitse” ellende is aan’t oplaai. Elkeen van die Anglo-saksiese lande wat teen Suid Afrika se beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling agiteer het, se Rubicon is oppad. Dit geld ook vir Europa en die VSA in die lig van dr. H.F. Verwoerd se boodskap aan die wêreld in 1963!

My boodskap aan die wêreld_-_wat ons hoop die wêreld eendag sal verstaan, al erken ek dat hy dit nie nou verstaan nie - is dat deur die weg van "apartheid" te volg elkeen gelykwaardig sal kan word, want elkeen sal selfstandig wees as deel van sy eie nasie, en die raseenhede sal ten opsigte van mekaar wees soos die nasies van Afrika apart van ons is. Ons het met hulle inwendige sake niks te doen nie, en hulle het niks te doen met ons huishoudelike sake nie.

Internasionaal staan ons gelyk as aparte nasies. Wanneer ons met mekaar moet onderhandel oor sake, moet ons onderhandel as gelykes, as nasie met nasie. Dit is trouens myns insiens die enigste einddoel wat werklik moreel is in moderne sin, want die weg van almal op die ou end gelyk maar deurmekaar, gaan uiteindelik beteken dat die blankes gaan onderdruk wees. Dit sal nie regverdig teenoor die blanke wees nie en is ook nie moreel ten opsigte van die blanke nie. Dit is die  intégrasiebeleid tot sy uiterste konsekwensie deurgevoer.

Myns insiens is dit per slot van sake 'n immorele beleid van die kant gesien van die regte van die blankes aan wie hierdie land behoort deur ontginning en deur nedersetting, en nie deur verowering van enigiemand anders [se land] nie. Dit is hulle eie land wat sou weggeneem word deur diegene wat hulle gered en versorg het langs daardie net oppervlakkig skynbaar morele weg van almal gelyk maar deurmekaar. Daar bly dus vir my net een morele weg oor. Dit is die een wat ons besig is om te volg.” (Aldus dr. Verwoerd)

BLF ‘celebrates’ Hoërskool Driehoek tragedy as ‘punishment’ from ‘ancestors’ and ‘God’


Daniel Friedman

Andile Mngxitama

Andile Mngxitama’s comments about killing white people will get him into hot water but IEC says he has not contravened the Electoral Act.

Mngxitama raises ire after call to kill whites along with their dogs and cats

The party’s leader, Andile Mngxitama, incited widespread rage late last year for similar reasons, after making hugely controversial comments at a rally calling for five white people to be killed for every black person, which he later claimed would be done in self-defence.

Many disagreed, with parties and organisations including the DA, Cope, and AfriForum laying charges against him, and the ANC releasing a statement calling his comment “an attempt to set us back to the dark ages of apartheid”.

The BLF has been accused of hate speech several times by the South African Human Rights Commission, which has recommended that the party be prevented from contesting the 2019 elections on the grounds that they have made statements violating the Electoral Act.

The IEC warned the party against further hate speech, but also said they couldn’t take action against them due to the comments coming prior to the election date being announced.

UPDATE: This article has been updated to reflect that Maasdorp deleted the tweet. 16:02, February

Lindsay Maasdorp

BLF spokesperson Lindsay Maasdorp. Picture: https://blackopinion.co.za

The party’s spokesperson has come out in support of an extremely insensitive social media comment causing widespread outrage.

Black First Land First (BLF) spokesperson Lindsay Maasdorp has come out in support of a comment by Facebook user Siyanda Gumede, in which he said he “doesn’t have a heart to feel pain” for the three children who died after the tragic collapse of a walkway at Hoërskool Driehoek in Vanderbijlpark, who he assumed to be white.

The races of the victims of the disaster are not yet known. Hoërskool Driehoek is reportedly a dual-language school.

didn’t stop Gumede, who was responding to an SABC post on the tragedy, from arriving at the conclusion that the three children were white. He tweeted that he was unmoved by their deaths, as they would eliminate “3 future problems” from the world.

Unsurprisingly, the post was met with instant outrage from social media users across the racial spectrum. Gumede’s Facebook account has since been blocked to the public amid the outcry he has been receiving.

 White existence is a crime, says BLF spokesperson

This outrage did not stop Maasdorp from tweeting in support of the Facebook post, although the tweet has since been deleted.

Siyanda GumedeAccording to the BLF spokesperson, Gumede was “correct” in posting the comment.

Maasdorp’s tweet continued to say that he believed that the incident showed “God is responding”.

“Why should we frown on the ancestors’ petitions to punish the land thieves including their offspring,” he added.

While not many had reacted to his tweet at the time of publication of this story, Maasdorp was already being slammed for his words, with one user calling him “psychopathic”.

Replying to @BLF_Lindsay

Who is GOD punishing when people die in shack fires? Your logic is psychopathic, u need help.

When asked for clarification by The Citizen, Maasdorp said he was “not certain” the victims were white, adding he would mourn them if they turned out to be black.

But he added: “If our God has finally intervened and our ancestors have petitioned and seen that these white land thieves have now died then I definitely celebrate it. I celebrate the death of our enemies, their children, their cats and their dogs. That is our position.”

The BLF spokesperson has expressed similar views before.

Maasdorp came under fire in 2016 for posting on both Facebook and Twitter that “I have aspirations to kill white people, and this must be achieved!”

Last year, he had a run-in with the author of this piece, telling me my “existence is a crime” because I’m white.





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