

wind of change macmillanDie absurde speletjie van virusvlakke wat in die aangekondigde “vlak 3”, tot bepaal wat jy mag aantrek en welke klere jy mag koop, het die toppunt van kleutervermoë in die regime se regeerliggame blootgelê! As daar egter dieper gekyk word en jy moet aanhoor dat jou patroon van groet ook ingeperk word, dan kry die prentjie ‘n ander kleur.

U mag moeg word vir die AVP se konstante terugverwys na die verlede, maar daarsonder sal die noodsaaklikheid vir die handhawing van bestaande en bewese suksesvolle beginselstandpunte vervaag, soos wat gebeur het na diie moord op dr. Verwoerd, en ellende jou geleidelik bekruip en te gronde rig soos wat ons nou ervaar!

Tenspyte van dr. Verwoerd se uit die vuis beantwoording op die lank vooruit en deeglik uitgewerkte “winds of change” toespraak van Harold MacMilan, destydse Eerste Minister van Brittanje, het ons volk gekies om een verandering na die ander, gelate te aanvaar en dr. Verwoerd se waarskuwing aan MacMilan in die wind te slaan!

Die beleidsbeginsel van Afsonderlike Ontwikkeling wat volgens MacMilan wêreldvrede sou bedreig indien ons dit nie verander nie, het dr. Verwoerd só beantwoord: “... maar wanneer ons by ‘n geleentheid soos die huidige, waar ons heeltemal openhartig is, krities daarna kyk, sien ons, anders as u, dat daardie beleidsrigting groot Dr. HF Verwoerdgevare kan inhou. Juis die doel wat u beoog, kan deur hulle verydel word.”(Aldus dr. Verwoerd aan MacMilan)

Van die “Winds of Change” toespraak op 3 Februarie 1960 van die Britse Eerste Minister van Brittanje, mnr. Harold Macmillan voor senatore en volksraadslede, dus albei huise van die parlement in Kaapstad, is dié wind al sterker gestu deur die blaasbalk van die liberalisme van buite en binne Suid Afrika, tot die rukwind van 6 September 1966! ’n Kunsmatig geskepte “politieke stormwind” wat moes verander, maar ook moes vernietig wat die Britte nie deur oorlog en barbaarse verskroeide aarde beleid mee kon vermag nie! Wat in sy kolkspoor agterbly is chaos, verwarring, wantroue, verval en agteruitgang.... maar ook tog die oorblyfsel van ankerwortels wat onverbidddelik ge-anker in vaste grond van geloof en beginsel, gewond maar onoorwonne, weer sal bloei en uitloop in sy vaste spoor!

Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd.

In onderskeid was dr. Hendrik, Frensch Verwoerd in terme van wêreldleierskap, ’n Godgestuurde na Suid Afrika as gelowige,intellektuele politieke leier met ’n ingebore begrip vir die grondbeginsel van behoud van God se skeidingswerk. ’n Anker vir behoud van identiteit en onderskeid tussen ras en volk en etnisiteit, wat sonder die ingryping van onnatuurlike mensgemaakte ideologië, ’n ongeskrewe lewenswet is vir vreedsame naasbestaan.

As gevolg van ons volk se onge-ergdheid, onbetrokkenheid en ontvanklikheid vir die beeldradio se sekulêre programme en sportbeheptheid, is ons nou daar waar die voorganger van ‘n nasie sonder verstand, vir ons begin voorskryf! Die voorloper van baie erger beperkings as kleredrag en groetpatroon! Na gelang ons soos skape ewe gedweë die snert van pandemie en vlakke van bedreiging, ons eie , maar veral ander se gesondheid in ag moet neem en as billik en noodsaaklik aanvaar, lê veel erger beperkings vir ons voor.

Op diaboliese wyse is hulle besig om elke vlak van samehorigheid in te perk. Daarmee moet gesinsverband, famielieverband, volksverband, in kort alles wat saambinding, patriotisme en entoesiasme vir eensgesindheid kan bevorder, in die ban gedoen word en in teenstelling daarmee,individualisme en wêreldburgerskap  bevorder word. (Die Nuwe Wêreld Orde) Een Taal, een godsdiens, een geldstelsel een wêreld burgerskap!

Die klem wat hierdie karakter wat met die hand uitgesoek is, plaas op verandering omdat die virus bedreiging dan só erg is dat dit nie anders kan nie, is natuurlik absolute onsin! “President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed SA on Wednesday night.

Life as we know it has changed — and South Africans have to change with it. Hugging, kissing and shaking hands are “a thing of the past” and workplaces, schools, university and other public spaces will have to be redesigned. Religious worship will have to change. And, of course, face masks have to become the norm.”


Indien die Afrikanervolk, wie se beheer oor ons eiendomlike in ‘n nasie sonder verstand, soos wat die Bybelse profesie in Deuteronomium vir ons aandui, se hande oorgegaan het, hierdie waansinnige beperkings ook gelate gaan aanvaar, sal niks meer in hulle pad staan om ons soos skape te beheer nie. Dit het absoluut niks te make met die beheer of verspreiding van die virus nie, maar alles met die beheer van mense.

Dit is voor-die-handliggend dat ons eensgesind moet wees in optrede om effektief weerstand te kan bied. Dit voorsien egter nie dat waar daar wesentlike bedreiging is, ons weerbarstig sal wees in terme van billike beperkings nie. Ons is egter nie kinders nie en kan nie toelaat dat ons deur "kinders", soos kinders behandel word nie. Soos wat ons egter geleidelik ons nasionale beginsels versaak en veranderings aanvaar het sonder om ag te slaan op die gevolge, sal ons nou, al is dit geleidelik, ons vernietigde volkseenheid moet herstel deur ons verdeeldheid opsy te sit omdat die gevolg in weerstand, voor die handliggend is.


puppet on a string RamaphosaWhat you need to know: 9 MAIN POINTS FROM RAMAPHOSA'S SPEECH

13/05/2020 James de Villiers

President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced the country will drop to Level 3 of the nationwide lockdown by the end of May, but some parts of the country with higher infection rates of Covid-19 will remain at Level 4.

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced South Africa will be moving to Level 3 lockdown by the end of May, with certain areas most affected by the coronavirus outbreak remaining at Level 4. In a televised address, Ramaphosa said the next phase of the country's coronavirus response, as people returned to work, would "in many ways be more difficult than the present one".

He added the coronavirus would continue to be a global health threat for some time to come, and the fight against it needed to become part of South Africans' daily lives. EDITORIAL | Ramaphosa's address fails to deliver on substance and detail

Purpose of lockdown was to delay the spread of the virus - Ramaphosa

In his address to the nation on Wednesday evening President Cyril Ramaphosa reiterated that the lockdown has been necessary for curbing the spread of the coronavirus.

Here are the nine things you need to know from his address:

  1. 1.South Africa would have seen 80 000 infections already without lockdown

Without a national lockdown, South Africa would have seen 80 000 infections by now, Ramaphosa said. The national lockdown was, therefore "absolutely necessary" to help the authorities prepare.

He said while South Africa mourned the loss of 219 lives due to the virus, the number of deaths would have been eight times higher without the lockdown.

He said by the time the US had a similar stage of the disease, it had recorded 22 000 deaths and the UK more than 19 000.

Without the lockdown, Ramaphosa added, South Africa's health facilities would have been overwhelmed and many thousands more people would have died.

  1. 2.Around 181 people per million have been infected by the virus

South Africa's positivity rate, the percentage of cases identified out of all the tests conducted, had remained low, he said.

Ramaphosa added the number of confirmed infections in South Africa was around 181 people per million of the population.

By contrast, he said, countries such as the US, the UK, Spain, Italy and Singapore have between 2 400 and 4 600 coronavirus cases per million people.

"It is significant that out of the 12 074 confirmed cases in South Africa, we have recorded 4 745 recoveries."

  1. 3.South Africa now has 25 000 additional beds for quarantine

Ramaphosa said by delaying the spread of the virus, South Africa was able to strengthen the health system's capacity by increasing the number of beds available for quarantine by 25 000. He added the lockdown had helped the country to source and produce substantial quantities of personal protective equipment for health workers, vital medical equipment and other supplies.

Ramaphosa thanked the US for a donation of 1 000 ventilators that will assist in treating serious coronavirus patients.

  1. 4.Over 9 million South Africans have been screened, 370 000 tested

In what is the country's largest and most extensive public health mobilisation, Ramaphosa said fieldworkers have screened more than nine million people, and nearly 370 000 coronavirus tests have been completed. "It has been made possible by the hard work and dedication of thousands of community workers, nurses, doctors and other health workers," he added. "They made enormous sacrifices to ensure the success of the lockdown."

  1. 5.UIF paid out over R11bn to 2 million employees

Ramaphosa said the special Covid-19 relief fund of the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) had paid out more than R11 billion to two million employees employed by over 160 000 companies in distress since it was launched. He added the government's various funds have supported more than 27 000 small businesses since they were launched.

The government's R200 billion Covid-19 loan guarantee scheme, which is part of the R500 billion relief package, has also started to process applications from small- and medium-sized businesses on Wednesday.

  1. 6.Around 3 million South Africans applied for Covid-19 grant

Some three million people have applied for the Covid-19 grant of R350 per month for unemployed South Africans who received no other form of assistance from the government, Ramaphosa said. He added an additional R5 billion have also been paid out to social grant recipients at the beginning of May to assist poor households.

  1. 7.Level 3 lockdown for most of South Africa by end of May

Ramaphosa said a consultation process would start with relevant stakeholders to place most of the country on Level 3 lockdown by the end of May. Parts of the country with the highest rates of infection will, however, remain on Level 4 lockdown. Infections were for now mostly concentrated in a few metropolitan municipalities and districts in the country, Ramaphosa said.

"I will repeat what I have said before: If we lift the lockdown too abruptly and too quickly, we risk a rapid and unmanageable surge in infections," he added. Level 3 lockdown will see the return of alcohol sales between 08:00 and 12:00 between Mondays and Wednesdays, limited domestic air travel, and all clothing and textiles sales, under draft rules.

  1. 8.Level 4 lockdown regulations will change

The government would in the coming days announce certain changes to Level 4 regulations to expand permitted business activities in the retail space and e-commerce and reduce restrictions on exercise, Ramaphosa said.

  1. 9.Some lockdown regulations have been unclear and contradictory

He added some of the lockdown regulations decided upon by the government have been unclear, some have been contradictory and some have been poorly explained. Ramaphosa said implementation had sometimes been slow and enforcement had sometimes been inconsistent and too harsh.

"This evening, I want to reaffirm my commitment and the commitment of the government I lead to take whatever action is necessary to safeguard the life, the dignity and the interests of the South African people. "Where we have disappointed, we will continue to make amends. Where we make mistakes, we will continue to correct them."


14 May 2020 - 06:33


President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed SA on Wednesday night.

Life as we know it has changed — and South Africans have to change with it.

Hugging, kissing and shaking hands are “a thing of the past” and workplaces, schools, university and other public spaces will have to be redesigned. Religious worship will have to change. And, of course, face masks have to become the norm.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said this on Wednesday night as he addressed SA on the status of the country’s fight against Covid-19 and the reopening of the economy.

Ramaphosa said SA was ready for eased lockdown restrictions and most of the country would therefore move to level 3 from the end of May, adding that eased level 4 restrictions would be announced in the coming days.

Ramaphosa: Most of SA will be on level 3 by end of May

Most of South Africa will be placed in level 3 of the nationwide lockdown by the end of May, President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Wednesday.

NEWS20 hours ago

But, the president warned, these eased restrictions were not a free-for-all, and that the battle against the coronavirus would only be won if South Africans realised that everything had fundamentally changed.

“This new phase will require each of us to change our own behaviour in profound ways. There needs to be a fundamental shift in our thinking and our way of life. We need to take personal responsibility for our own health and the health of others,” he said.

He said although the lockdown was successful in slowing the rate of coronavirus transmission — there would have been eight times as many deaths and 80,000 total infections had the lockdown not been in place, he said — the virus would be present “for a long time to come”.

There needs to be a fundamental shift in our thinking and our way of life. We need to take personal responsibility for our own health and the health of others.

President Cyril Ramaphosa

“We have been warned that infections will inevitably rise as the lockdown measures are eased, as has happened in many countries. We also know that the coronavirus will continue to be a global health threat for some time to come, and that the fight against Covid-19 needs to become part of our daily lives,” he said.

“Our success in overcoming the coronavirus will ultimately be determined by the changes we make in our behaviour, by the changes we make in how we move around, by the changes we make in our personal interactions.”

He said that it should be expected that when you go to a mall, there will be someone sanitising hands at the entrance.

“Hugging and shaking of hands and kissing is a thing of the past. As restrictions are eased, we will need to observe social distancing even more carefully. Yes, wear our face masks whenever we leave home, wash hands regularly with soap and water or sanitiser and avoid contact with other people.

“I’ve been encouraged that so many people are wearing face masks in public since the start of alert 4. I went walking this [Wednesday] morning and the many people that I saw in the street were wearing their face masks. And it was then that I really realised that South Africans have taken the message of wearing face masks seriously. I was really encouraged.

“We will need to reorganise workplaces, schools, universities, colleges and other public places to limit transmission. We will need to adapt to new ways of worshipping, socialising, exercising and also of meetings, and this will minimise opportunities for the virus to spread.

“It is our actions now that will determine whether the advantage we gained through the lockdown can be sustained. It is our actions now — individually and together — that will determine whether the great sacrifices that people have made over these last two months will ultimately save the lives of thousands of South Africans and spare our country from the huge devastation that this pandemic can cause.”

Ramaphosa reiterated that the loosening of restrictions means infections are likely to increase.

“The transition to the next phase of the coronavirus response will in many ways be more difficult than the present one. The risk of infection outbreaks will increase as more people return to work. This calls for vigilance, responsibility and discipline from all of us.” (AVP beklemtoning)