Kentekens van die onvermoë van ‘n regering om in die burgers van sy land se behoeftes te voorsien, steek nou oral in die wêreld kop uit. Dit begin gewoonlik met vreedsame stakings wat eskaleer na onluste en uiteindelik eindig in anargie en chaos soos nou in Tunisië, Egipte en Yemen.
Of die oorsprong daarvan polities of maatskaplik is, maak op die einde nie werklik veel saak nie. Die gevolge daarvan is onvermydelik dood en verwoesting waaruit baie ellende in die nadraai daarvan nog lank voortduur.
Is the Revolution Legitimate Populist Rebellion, or Part of a Plan to 'Balkanize' Egypt
From Michael Collins Piper
If there is anything that can be said about the crisis in Egypt—which is reverberating throughout the Middle East—it is that it is ultimately open to multiple interpretations. Any “expert” who purports to give you “the last word” on the topic is deceiving you and himself. Geopolitical strategists, armchair pundits and conspiracy theory devotees are competing to tell the world “what’s really happening and why,” but there is no single truth to the matter.
Dit is die mening van ‘n man met die naam van Chuck Baldwin. By die lees van dié opskrif, word enige gelowige tot stilstand geruk en begin jy nukkerig kyk na wat die man in gedagte het. Namate jy al verder lees word die Suid Afrikaanse omstandigheid in die geheue opgeroep wat op ‘n krapperige wyse aan die gewete kom torring totdat jy respek vir sy siening ontwikkel. Ons plaas sy standpunt ongeredigeer.
Protest Movement in Egypt: "Dictators" do not Dictate, They Obey Orders
by Michel Chossudovsky
The Mubarak regime could collapse in the a face of a nationwide protest movement... What prospects for Egypt and the Arab World?
"Dictators" do not dictate, they obey orders. This is true in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
Dictators are invariably political puppets. Dictators do not decide.
President Hosni Mubarak was a faithful servant of Western economic interests and so was Ben Ali.
The national government is the object of the protest movement.
The objective is to unseat the puppet rather than the puppet-master.
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Kyk noukeurig na die inhoud van hierdie propagandablad van die Nasionale Party, Skietgoed wat uitgegee is in Junie 1977. Dit was opgestel deur F.W. de Klerk wat toe ‘n lid van die Volksraad was (LV.) Dít was sy siening van die Progresiewe Reformiste Party se beleid en wat dit vir Suid Afrika ingehou het, sou hulle ooit aan bewind kom en daardie beleid in Suid Afrika toepas.
Ellen Brown
It has been called "the most astounding piece of sleight of hand ever invented." The creation of money has been privatized, usurped from Congress by a private banking cartel. Most people think money is issued by fiat by the government, but that is not the case. Except for coins, which compose only about one one-thousandth of the total U.S. money supply, all of our money is now created by banks. Federal Reserve Notes (dollar bills) are issued by the Federal Reserve, a private banking corporation, and lent to the government.1 Moreover, Federal Reserve Notes and coins together compose less than 3 percent of the money supply. The other 97 percent is created by commercial banks as loans.2
Vandag lees ek op ‘n webwerf dat Brits nie water het nie. Gister het ek gelees van Johannesburg se munisipale rekeninge wat in ‘n absolute gemors is. Eergister lees ek van slaggate in openbare teerpaaie waarin mense halflyf staan en ander dood verongeluk het. Ek verneem dat in sekere staatshospitale ‘n doodsreuk in die lug hang. Behandeling daar is pateties. By dit alles is daar sprake van drastiese verhogings in die pryse van brandstof en voedsel. Armoede neem toe. Werkloosheid natuurlik ook. Gerugte van Eskom kragonderbrekings in 2011 doen weer die rondte. So kan ons aangaan. Daar is geen verbetering te bespeur in die landsadministrasie nie. Inteendeel. Dit is so duidelik soos daglig dat agteruitgang die wesenskenmerk van hierdie land geword het.